Yunnan Mengla and Tengchong HIV/AIDS Prevention Project
Funding Party: Geneva Global, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Project Locations: Tengchong and Mengla Counties, Yunnan Province
Project Duration: January, 2008 – December, 2010
Project Objectives:
· 增强当地政府部门对防治艾滋的意识及能力;
· To improve local government’s HIV/AIDS prevention awareness and capabilities.
· 避免跨国境高速公路的开放和工地建设可能给沿途少数民族社区带来的社会、经济、文化方面的冲击;
· To avoid the negative social, economic and cultural impact of cross-boarder super highway construction to the communities along the highway.
· 避免跨国境高速公路的开放和建筑工地人员的流动可能引起的艾滋蔓延,提高目标人群对艾滋的应对能力。
· To avoid the spread of HIV/AIDS from the construction workers working on the cross-boarder super highway; raise the ability of target populations to avoid getting HIV/AIDS.
Project Activities:
l 健康系统能力建设:提高健康系统人员艾滋知识及技能;县级CDC自愿检测服务及网络活动;
l Healthcare Providers Capability Building: Raise the HIV/AIDS knowledge and skills of the healthcare personnel; provide VCT service and network activities for county level CDC.
l 健康教育活动及技能培训:制作培训教材和健康教育材料;培训村寨和工地健康教育骨干;建立村民健康角;外出务工青年培训;村民健康教育参与式评估与规划;针对机场建筑工人的防艾健康教育活动;司机及技术工人(培训)座谈;手机短信健康教育。
l Health Education Activities and Skills Training: develop training curriculums and health training materials; train key villagers and construction site personnel; establish village health corner; train youth migrant workers; plan and evaluate village participatory health education programs; target airport construction workers HIV/AIDS prevention activity; truck drivers and skilled workers training and discussion forums; health education through cell phone messages.
l 社区参与:社区民族文化活动中心的建立和活动的开展;村民摄影展;民族体育活动;同伴教育;交流互访;社区活动参与式监测评估。
l Community participation: develop program for community ethic culture activity center; villager photo exhibitions; ethic group athletics activities; peer education; cross visits; community participatory monitor and evaluation.
l 支持性环境:村民农业科技培训;村民妇幼保健知识培训;佛教组织参与;傣族地区以修建公厕为主的社区环境改造。
l Supportive Environment: villagers’ agriculture technology training; villagers’ maternal and child healthcare training; participation from Buddhist organization; community environment improvement through building public toilet for the Dai region.
Project Outputs:
l 在两个县的5个乡镇、9个行政村12个自然村开展防艾宣传活动,其中9个自然村约50多位村民参加参与式培训,增强了其开展防艾宣传的知识和能力,成为村寨的宣传骨干,直接受益村民人数约9000人。
l Produced HIV/AIDS prevention promotion at 12 nature villages of 9 administrative of 5 townships in 2 counties, out of the 12 nature villagers, we conducted villagers’ participatory training for 50 plus villagers in 9 nature villages, these villagers learned HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge and skills, and became key training personnel for their respective villagers, and benefited over 9000 villagers.
l 培训腾冲县、乡及水电站建筑工地宣传骨干30人,在每月一次的安全生产宣传培训中增加防艾内容,受益建筑工人人数约2000人。
l Trained 30 key personnel at Tengchong County villages and hydropower plant, added HIV/AIDS prevention content to their monthly safety training program, benefited over 2000 construction workers.
l 培训受益医务人员约200人,其中腾冲县50人获得艾滋病咨询员证书,经培训的县级医务人员能够承担对乡村骨干的拓展培训。
l Trained over 200 healthcare workers including 50 certified HIV/AIDS counselors, the county level trained personnel is capable of carrying on the training for key village staff.
l 支持了“手机短信用于流动人口健康教育的效果研究”课题实施。
l Developed ‘the application of cell phone messages for migrant workers’ health education’ program.
l 在勐腊修建村寨公厕3个。
l Built 3 public toilets in villages in Mengla County.
l 开发了一套从培训村民骨干到村民使用的防艾宣传材料,并得到当地和邻近非项目地区(龙陵县)推广使用。
l The HIV/AIDS prevention training material developed by this project was used by other none project areas (Longling County).
l 完成了《勐腊及腾冲预防艾滋项目基线调查报告》。
l Completed “Mengla and Tengchong HIV/AIDS Prevention Project Baseline Survey Report”.
l 目标人群艾滋病知晓率发生很大变化,正确知晓艾滋病3种传播途径的比例增长明显。
l Accomplished significant improvement in knowledge of HIV/AIDS, the correct knowledge of 3 methods of HIV/AIDS transmission was most obvious.
l 组织开展了村民摄影活动,举办了村民摄影展,制作了《热爱生活 关爱生命》村民摄影专辑。
l Organized the villagers’ photo exhibition, developed “Love Life, Live Life-Photo Album”.